Friday, 7 September 2012

Music Video Analaysis

The genre characteristics of the video are very stereotypical. The instruments and guitar solo representation links to the alternative rock genre - "2:40" to "2:52" whilst the jumping and fast paced movements also co-present the music genre. The video is very illustrated between lyrics and visuals - "0:46" to "0:58" and "2:18" and "2:28". There are also the use of metaphorical meanings between the lyrics and actions - "1:12 to "1:20". The video also uses disjuncture with no relationships between the lyrics and flag baring, but this has another meaning with the album, therefore intended for the already known fan base or used to interest other people watching. The only relationship between the music and visuals is the consistent lip syncing throughout and with the instruments, in which the guitar solo is well represented through the lead singer - "2:37" to "2:50" & "2:01" to "2:11". There are no star image motifs but the continous close up of the lead singer throughout would indicate he is identified as a much more key member to the audience.

The genre characteristics are predomontaly around the artist and the performance live gig video also relates well with the stereotypes of the indie rock genre. The iconic Gibsojn 86 guitar is consistantly related through bands like Oasis, Artic Monkeys and Miles Kane and therefore has significant meaning within the genre and for this reason its an important genre characteristic - "0:15" to "0:16". His dress wear also relates to the genre, for example he has the retro-indie styles shoes, bright red skinny styled jeans which are also associated with that genre (influenced from the white stripes). The relationship between lyrics and visuals islimited with the video type beinglive performance but some lyrics relate to the visuals of women but most are irrelevant - "1:26" to "1:31". The video also lacks in the relationship between visuals and music apart from the obvious lip, instument syncing and dancing of the audience. The video does however use star image motifs, which the consistant closeups of Miles Kane throughout, they are used to convey the type of person he is, which in this case shows him as happy, go free, showing him in a positive light, this sunsequesntly giving the audience the impretion he is this type of person - "0:50" to "0:52".

This video has some key genre characterstics from the punk/rock genre the band are ossociated with. The procative way the women are represented throughout the video assocites with the rock idea of having extra's with fame and success, whilst the location is also associated with the anarchy idea of punk rock, this being the walls covered in graffiti and a lack of respect shown by the women for the way in which they dress. The song has many metaphorical lyrics about love and women which relates to the visuals but the video has no easily observed narritive. The video is very similar to the others with its lip syncing and instrument syncing, but the director uses the music to determine the entrance of different band members. Billie Joe the lead singer is used in the video to promote the band, he is seen as a much more famous figure compared to the other two members and therefore used as a star figure, and therefore the director introduces him from the start.

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