Sunday 28 October 2012

Filming Session Conclusion

Today I filmed the whole of my music video at Stay Free Rooms. Overall I think the filming went okay but looking back at some footage and how some shots went there were some issues. For example the costume set up was almost all fine, but one shirt worn was particularly inappropriate to the bands genre and image and this unfortunately was visible on most shots throughout the session. Also when trying to re-create shots I had drawn and planned for my animatic there wasn't enough space for the camera or the camera couldn't be positioned at the correct height/angle to make it successful.There were also some props that didn't suit the music video like tables and such which were in shot and therefore took away the professionalism of the music video. Another problem was once there I didn't know how to use the sound system to play the song really loud and this therefore perhaps made the performance less believable and the actors more cautious of what they were doing. Things that went well were the lead singers shots in which he looked very appropriate for the genre and conveyed the story and style of band correctly. Also almost all close up shots of instruments looked very realistic which was essential for my video to reach a certain high standard. To conclude I think I will need to re-shoot my music video and plan out how I'm going to resolve the issues raised at the last shoot. I will also need to plan more accurately which shots I'm going to do and in which order to make the session run more smoothly. 

Before My Filming Session

Today I will be filming the whole of my music video at StayFree Rooms, Leicester. I have arranged the band to arrive at 10 to 5 so we can set up the scene and equipment so we can maximise the amount of time I can film. I have also arranged the instruments that need to be taken, the room I'm using is the Target Room which has already the main drum kit, microphones and amplifiers so 1 guitar, 1 bass guitar and symbols I will be taking. With having the room booked till 7 if I have filmed all my planned footage taking I will then record extra, this being from different angles and types of shots which could be put into the music video if need be. I have also synced the track I'm using onto my iPhone, iPod and onto CD so I have backup if one if these devices doesn't work or malfunctions. I have also decided to take my docking station for if any reason I can't set up the sound system. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Filming Equipment

I have successfully loaned out a camera and tripod from college to use when filming tomorrow, this Canon camera will allow me to film in HD to get the best quality possible. When film clips are edited to change colour e.g. Black and White, they loose quality, so its important that the quality is very good to begin with.

Monday 15 October 2012

Digipak Primary Planning

I've decided that I will be designing a 6 panel digipak instead of a 4 panel. This is because I think the 6 panel can have much more interesting images that convey what the band are about instead of a booklet which simply give lyrics to each song. Even though this is a convention I particularly like about digipaks and album booklets it has become increasingly easy for this information to be found on the Internet whereas private or rare images of the band (e.g. studio location type photo's) would be much more interesting and appropriate for the target audience. This is the template I will use to create my digipak displaying the critical sizes I need to take into account.

Sunday 14 October 2012

This Week

This week I will be analysing 3 digipak front covers and extra content, whilst also analysing 3 album posters. This research will give me the foundations to start creating the draft versions of my digipak and poster which will also be completed by the end of this week. Whilst this is happening I will also be preparing for filming, which is most likely to take place on the 21st of October which means I need to plan timing of shots, order of filming etc.

Friday 12 October 2012


1. Down n' Dirty
2. Filthy Rotten Scoundrel
3. Out Of Dreams
4. Stockings To Suit
5. Why Do You Want Him?
6. Piledriver Waltz
7. This House Is a Circus
8. Makeout Party
9. You Won't Get Better
10. C.O.D.E.S
11. Falling Out

These song titles come from bands and lyrics of similar genre's of music and are targeted at similar audiences e.g. Young Alts. These track names really relate to the way I want to convey my band, this being a laid back, energetic, and fun 3 piece band, and the song titles relate to that party atmosphere whilst also explaining the emotions in relationships with women that the genre is known for. The album starts with the song entitled "Down n' Dirty", this is placed first on the album because it promotes what the album is about and gives the impression of quick, indie rock, sex driven track in which will particularly interest the larger percentage of target audience, young male adults. The second track name I took from Deaf Havana's latest album in which the genre is quite different from mine, but the lyrics and track name describe the thoughts of the artist about a particular female, and the track name also again gives that impression of a fast paced song. Out Of Dreams is the song I've chosen for the debut single and music video. This is because it shows strongly the indie rock style I want to create whilst also meeting the points I want to convey. This song isn't just typically the same or similar to Down n' Dirty but instead has more meaning and emotion in the lyrics, this is one of the reasons I have put it third in the track list so as we move through the album more emotion is brought through the songs. Stocking To Suit is a song I took from the artist The Rascals. I've used this because its another song that relates to the matter of women, and their opinions about different people. Why do you want him? is another track that makes the band give out their opinion about certain people, and the lyrics would relate to allot of the target audience, this was taken from Green's Day debut album when they were of similar age to my Band and therefore I think is appropriate for its placement in this track list. The 6th track was taken from Arctic Monkeys Suck It And See album, I choose this because Arctic Monkeys is of a very similar sound and genre to my band and therefore share the same target audience. This is the same scenario with the 7th track, and this song keeps up with the theme of fast paced fun party's. Makeout Party is a soon to be released song by Green Day which will be track listed on their upcoming album DOS! which has be stated as the party album of the trilogy they are releasing, which is the reason why its really appropriate for my bands album. C.O.D.E.S and Falling Out are the Ballard and slow songs of the album, researching into track listings bands generally finish with large statement songs, which have much bigger meanings to the artist. Both these songs are taken from Muse, who are known for creating extreme metaphorical lyrics in songs which carry deep meanings, even though the style is very different compared to both bands, the title correctly gives the impression of a difference between them and the rest of the album.